Flexible Learning
+ Private Coaching

Latent Class Winterschool is a 3-course sequence in mixture modeling along with 1:1 coaching sessions to deepen your practice.

The courses are taken on your schedule. Then you'll have two 1:1 consulting sessions with Christian Geiser.

You'll keep access to your courses, so you can return to them whenever you need to.
Get Two 1:1 Consulting Sessions with Christian Geiser
Prof. Sunjeev Kamboj
University College London

"Christian is a generous, patient and knowledgeable teacher, author and consultant. His mastery over complex topics in causal modeling, SEM etc., enables him to explain these concepts with exceptional clarity and ease. I strongly recommend him as a consultant to students and established researchers alike."

Joshua Wilson, Ph.D.
U. of Delaware

"In addition to providing expert assistance, Dr. Geiser does so with the heart, kindness, and generosity of a teacher. Not only did Dr. Geiser assist us to successfully complete all of our analyses in Mplus, he answered all of our questions with clear explanations so that we are now positioned to run all those analyses and troubleshoot independently in the future."

Meet Your Instructor/Coach

Dr. Christian Geiser

Dr. Christian Geiser is the Director of Education at QuantFish, author of two books on Mplus, and a leader in the development of latent variable techniques for complex data. With his accessible books and sought-after workshops, he has helped thousands of researchers and students around the world to achieve their analytic goals. 

How It Works

Follow these steps to get started:

  • 1. Enroll in Latent Class Winterschool

    You will receive a payment receipt by email from QuantFish and instructions for accessing your Student Dashboard. If you pay by bank transfer, we'll enroll you once we receive the wire. Your on-demand courses will be available to start on December 15th, 2023.

  • 2. Start Learning

    Begin the course when the time is right for you. Visit your student dashboard and start with your first course. Each lesson is shown to you in sequential order, along with the PDF resources. Plan on each day (module) to take about three hours, plus practice time.

  • 3. Get 1:1 Consulting

    Once you are enrolled, you'll receive a link to Dr. Geiser's calendar where you can book your consulting sessions. These will be scheduled in January & February 2024.

Need to wait for approval from your institution?

Contact us so we can help you with your paperwork. We can customize invoices for any country.

Frequently Asked Questions
No. At checkout, you can simply select the category that reflects your status.
Yes. We are happy to help with invoicing and institutional paperwork. We can customize invoices for any country.
That is up to you. Some people will want to get help with the course material and others will want advice on specific analyses, papers, or grants they're working on.
Dr. Geiser teaches all of the included courses using Mplus. Previous experience with Mplus is not required.
We accept payment by credit card or Paypal from any country. We also accept bank transfers in most currencies.
We can provide a pro-rated invoice in these cases (please contact us).
No. There is no expectation for authorship at all.
LC Winterschool is suitable for people with a basic understanding of categorical data analysis. Prior experience with Mplus or mixture modeling is not required.
No. LC Winterschool is designed to teach you to independently perform your own analyses. Consulting sessions are focused on guidance and troubleshooting.