Latent Class Winterschool
BundleLearn latent class analysis, latent profile analysis, and latent transition analysis with Christian Geiser. Includes 1:1 coaching.
Latent Growth Curve Modeling with Mplus
CourseChristian Geiser teaches latent growth curve analysis in this on-demand course.
Item Response Theory with Mplus and Stata
CourseTenko Raykov teaches IRT in this on-demand course.
Introduction to Mixture Modeling with Mplus
CourseGet started with mixture modeling with this free mini-course by Christian Geiser
Mediation & Moderation Analysis with R
CourseMilica Miočević teaches you to analyze, interpret, and report mediated and moderated effects in Rstudio
Factor Analysis with Mplus
CourseChristian Geiser teaches EFA and CFA in this on-demand course.
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