Mediation & Moderation Analysis with R
CourseMilica Miočević teaches you to analyze, interpret, and report mediated and moderated effects in Rstudio
Factor Analysis with Mplus
CourseChristian Geiser teaches EFA and CFA in this on-demand course.
The Bayesian Bundle
BundleLearn Bayesian methods with Sarah Depaoli in this 2-course sequence.
Bayesian for Beginners
CourseSarah Depaoli teaches the basics of Bayes in this on-demand course.
Latent Profile Analysis with Mplus
CourseChristian Geiser teaches you to analyze and interpret latent profile models using Mplus
Quantfish Open Forums
CommunityA community for Quantfish platform users to engage in productive discussion, provide mutual support, and troubleshoot modeling issues. Rules: be helpful and kind. This is not a replacement for software support.
Quantfish Courses
Here you'll find our complete course catalog of on-demand courses with a quick link section to the left. Choose a course for yourself or your team - or subscribe to Quantfish Unlimited and get access to all courses for a year.