Course curriculum

    1. Welcome to this Course!

    2. Installing R

    3. Navigating R

    4. Data Types and Objects

    5. Functions and Libraries

    6. Data Storage and Importing Data

    1. Descriptives

    2. Base R Plots

    3. Inferential Tests

    4. Simulation

    5. Learning New Statistical Techniques

    1. Introduction to dplyr and pipes

    2. Selecting Variables

    3. Arranging Data

    4. Filtering Data

    5. Mutating and Renaming Variables

    6. Summarizing Data and Grouped Summaries

    7. Pivoting Data (Wide and Long Format)

    8. Joins

    1. Basics of ggplot2

    2. Geometric Objects (Geoms)

    3. Common Arguments in Geoms

    4. Using Aes()

    5. Extras: Labels, Themes, and Scales

    6. Combining dplyr and ggplot2

    7. Arranging Plots with ggpubr

    1. RMarkdown Setup

    2. Knitting to HTML

    3. Knitting to pdf or doc

    4. LaTeX Basics

    5. LaTeX Commands

    6. Complex LaTeX Equations

    7. Putting it All Together

About this course

  • Free
  • 33 lessons
  • 4 hours of video content