Latent Growth Curve Modeling with lavaan
CourseLearn how to use lavaan to analyze, interpret, and report growth curve analyses with Sarfaraz Serang’s on-demand course
Propensity Score Methods with R
CourseDonna Coffman teaches you to analyze, interpret, and report propensity analyses in R
Latent Variable Modeling with R
Courselavaan for Beginners | Holmes Finch and Brian French teach S.E.M. with R
Classical Test Theory Analysis in SPSS and Mplus
CourseChristian Geiser teaches Classical Test Theory analysis in this on-demand course.
Mediation and Moderation Analysis with Mplus
CourseLearn how to use Mplus to test mediating and moderating effects with Christian Geiser's on-demand course
Mplus from Scratch
CourseDr. Christian Geiser gives you the tools you need to analyze, interpret, and report your first S.E.M. in 3 days.
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