Latent Class Analysis in R
Zsuzsa Bakk teaches latent class analysis and latent transition analysis in this on-demand course.
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In this self-paced online course, Dr. Zsuzsa Bakk gives in-depth tutorials on analyzing and interpreting mixture models in R. With crystal clear hands-on lessons, she’ll take you through each step of the analysis, along with interpreting and reporting results. Use the dropdown menu below to see what’s included in this course:
Welcome and introduction to the course
Handouts & references for download
Introduction to R
Day 1 Theory: Intro to LCA with dichotomous items
FREE PREVIEWDay 1 Practice: LCA with dichotomous items in R
Day 2 Theory: Dichotomous items: Model selection
Day 2 Practice: Dichotomous items: Model selection in R
Day 3 Theory: Dichotomous items: Detailed Example application
Day 3 Practice: Dichotomous items: Model assumptions in R
Day 4 Theory: LCA with nominal items
Day 4 Practice: LCA with nominal items in R
Day 5 Theory: Nominal items: Coding & ML estimation
Day 5 Practice: Nominal items: Coding & ML estimation in R
Day 6 Theory: Nominal items: Model selection
Day 6 Practice: Nominal items: Model selection in R
Day 1 Theory: Covariates: Model selection & interpretation
Day 1 Practice: Covariates: Model selection & interpretation in R
Day 2 Theory: Categorical covariates
Day 2 Practice: Categorical covariates in R
Day 3 Theory: Continuous covariates
Day 3 Practice: Continuous covariates in R
Day 4 Theory: Multinomial logit models
Day 4 Practice: Multinomial logit models in R
Day 5: Bonus session: Stepwise estimators of LC models
Day 1 Theory: Introduction to multilevel LCA
Day 2 Theory: Multilevel measurement models
Day 2 Practice: Multilevel measurement models in R
FREE PREVIEWDay 3 Theory: Model selection
Day 3 Practice: Model selection in R
Day 4 Theory: Model assumptions
Day 4 Practice: Model selection in R cont.
Day 5 Theory: Structural models (Part 1)
Day 5 Practice: Structural models in R (Part 1)
Day 6 Theory: Structural models (Part 2)
Day 1 Theory: The Markov chain
Day 1 Practice: The Markov chain in R, the LMest package
Day 2 Theory: The latent Markov chain & simple latent Markov models
Day 2 Practice: The latent Markov chain & simple latent Markov models in R
Day 3 Theory: LMMs with multiple items
Day 3 Practice: LMMs with multiple items in R
Day 4 Theory: Time-heterogeneous LMMs
Day 4 Practice: Time-heterogeneous LMMs in R
Day 5 Theory: Covariates of initial time point
Day 5 Practice: Covariates of initial time point in R
Day 6 Theory: Covariates of transition probabilities
Day 6 Practice: Covariates of transition probabilities in R
Day 7 Theory: Summary & extensions of LMMs
Day 7 Practice: Thank you and final tips
Dr. Zsuzsa Bakk
Zsuzsa Bakk is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Methodology & Statistics of the Institute of Psychology at Leiden University. Her research focuses on latent variable modeling and survey methodology.
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This course is for learners with a working knowledge of categorical data modeling. Prior experience with R is not required.
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