Longitudinal Multilevel Modeling with SAS
Michael J. Cleveland teaches you to test and interpret longitudinal MLMs in this on-demand course
In this on-demand workshop, Michael Cleveland teaches you how to use SAS to test a variety of longitudinal multilevel modeling techniques. No SAS experience required! The course includes four days’ worth of material and practice sessions. Use the dropdown menu below to see what’s covered in the course:
Hello and Welcome
FREE PREVIEWHandouts and Datasets
Why We Need MLM
Review of OLS MLM
Level 1 & 2 Equations; Fixed vs. Random Effects
SAS Basics
Using SAS for MLMs
Syntax session 1
PROC MIXED Example & Practice
Syntax session 2
Practice: Random Intercept Only; Computing the ICC
Syntax session 3
Means-as-outcomes; One-way ANCOVA with Random Intercepts/Slopes; Intercepts & Slopes as Outcomes
Syntax session 4
The Basic Growth Curve Model
Preparing Your Data
Syntax session 2
Estimating Preliminary Models
Syntax session 3
Adding Level 2 Predictors
Syntax session 4
Comparing Models
Measurement Spacing, Number of Waves, Unbalanced Data
Adding Time-Varying Predictors
Measuring Time-Varying Predictors
Syntax session 3
Time Varying Predictors: Unconditional Means, Unconditional Growth
Syntax session 4
Time Varying Predictors: WP & BP Effects, Interaction with Time, Full Model
Syntax session 5
Probe interaction session 5
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Longitudinal Multilevel Modeling with SAS is open for immediate access.
Please contact us if you need an invoice prior to purchase or have a larger group.
Payment is accepted by credit card, Paypal, or bank transfer (euros & GPB). Bank transfer instructions are here.
Group licenses provide the lowest per-person cost.
Further discounts are available for researchers working in LMICs; apply here to get started.
Individual: Student/Post Doc
Group | Up to 6 Users
Bank transfers are accepted in euros and GBP. Please contact us if your bank is outside of the EU, SEPA, or UK.
Kindly allow 3 business days for payment to post.
euros (EU & SEPA only) |
GBP (UK only) |
Student/Postdoc: €342 Professional: €447 Group: €1116 Account holder: QuantFish LLC BIC/SWIFT: TRWIBEB1XXX IBAN: BE20 9672 6025 0356 Address: Avenue Louise 54, Room S52 Brussels 1050 Belgium The following information is required to ensure proper enrollment:
Student/Postdoc: £294 Professional: £384 Group: £956 Account holder: QuantFish LLC Sort code: 23-14-70 Account number: 87960744 IBAN: Address:
56 Shoreditch High Street, London E1 6JJ, United Kingdom The following information is required to ensure proper enrollment:
This course is for learners with a foundational knowledge of regression analysis. Prior experience with SAS is not required.
Since this is an on-demand course, the timing is entirely up to you. Once you enroll and the course has launched, you will have unlimited access to the content. You are free to pause and return to your lessons as needed.
Unfortunately, personal feedback is not possible given the volume of researchers we serve. We are certain that Dr. Cleveland's thorough approach to guiding you through every step of using SAS, successfully perform MLM techniques with your own data. Note that we here at QuantFish are always happy to help you navigate any technical issues related to the course itself.
QuantFish is dedicated to providing courses that improve your analytic skills with accessible lessons from the world's leading methodologists. Longitudinal Multilevel Modeling with SAS is backed by a complete money-back guarantee for 7 days following the start of the course.