A Gentle Introduction to R
CourseShawn Hemelstrand provides a gentle introduction to the R statistical software in this on-demand course.
Data Visualization with R
CourseTyson Barrett teaches data visualization with R in this on-demand course.
Latent Class Analysis in R
CourseZsuzsa Bakk teaches latent class analysis in R in this on-demand course.
Mplus for Beginners
CourseChristian Geiser teaches Mplus for beginners in this FREE on-demand course.
The SEM with R Bundle
BundleLearn S.E.M. in Rstudio with 3 discounted courses.
The SEM with Mplus Bundle
BundleTake 3 discounted SEM courses with Christian Geiser. These on-demand workshops are taught in Mplus.
Quantfish Courses
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