Bayesian S.E.M. with Mplus
CourseSarah Depaoli teaches you Bayesian S.E.M. techniques using Mplus
Pfadanalyse mit Mplus
CourseEin kostenloser Mini-Workshop von Christian Geiser
Longitudinal Multilevel Modeling with SAS
CourseMichael Cleveland teaches you how to analyze longitudinal multilevel models in SAS in this on-demand course.
Introduction to Multilevel Modeling with R
CourseHolmes Finch and Brian French teach you to use R to test multilevel models in this beginner-friendly course
CourseLearn how to use R to automate Mplus analysis with Adam Garber's on-demand course
Latent Transition Analysis with Mplus
CourseChristian Geiser teaches longitudinal mixture modeling in this on-demand short-course
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